Instagram Threads Vs Twitter

Estimated read time 4 min read

Meta has officially launched its Twitter like messaging app Instagram Threads which is known as Instagram’s “text based conversation app”.

Meta is the owner of Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp and now it launched its another service “Threads” on July 5th, 2023.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a Threads post. “It’ll take some time, but I think there should be a public conversations app with 1 billion+ people on it. Twitter has had the opportunity to do this but hasn’t nailed it. Hopefully we will.” 

Twitter is owned by Tesla and SpaceX owner Elon Musk.

Threads hit 30 million sign-ups as of Thursday just after the day it launched, Zuckerberg boasted in a post. “Feels like the beginning of something special, but we’ve got a lot of work ahead to build out the app,” the CEO wrote.

Instagram Threads App Download Count
Instagram Threads App Download Count

Now its a big question which app is best Twitter or Threads ? as both are used for short messaging text based app. What differentiates Threads and Twitter are the features. While Twitter offers perks through its Twitter Blue subscription service, Threads launched with some appealing features that come standard for all users.

If you really don’t want to download another app (i.e. Instagram) to access Threads then you can access the service from the website, similar to how you can use Instagram in a browser.

Threads Vs Twitter
Threads Vs Twitter

Let us focus on some facts about Instagram Threads and Twitter :

  1. You can’t delete your Threads profile without deleting your Instagram account 

    “You may deactivate your Threads profile at any time, but your Threads profile can only be deleted by deleting your Instagram account.”

  2. Search 

    As there is no support of hashtags in Threads yet so you can only search for other accounts not for the words contained in post whereas Twitter supports Hashtags.

  3. Character count 

    There is no indicator for 500 character limit so user will not get any indication when they are blabbing away from 500 characters. Whereas Twitter offer 280 characters with clear indication of character count.

  4. Direct messaging 

    You can’t send any private messages through Threads. You’ll have to head back to Instagram for that. Whereas in Twitter you can send direct message.

  5. Edit post   You can’t edit your post after you’ve posted just like Twitter.
  6. No web interface You can read Threads on the service’s website (, but right now you can’t post, repost, like or comment on the web. Whereas Twitter supports web interface
  7. Follower Feed  Right now you can see posts from people you follow and others that are popular on the service. You can’t see a feed of just the people you follow. Threads is in its initial phase so this approach is designed to ensure users doesn’t see a blank space when they                open up the app. In future enhancement Threads can show only posts of users whom you follow
  8. Advertisement (Ads) So far there are no ads on Threads.
  9. Unavailability in European Union Countries

Threads is unavailable in European Union countries right now because of “complexities with complying with some of the laws coming into effect next year,” apparently a reference to the EU’s Digital Markets Act.

Below is a comparison of both the apps:

Threads Twitter
Post Length 500 characters 280 characters*
Links Yes Yes
Photos Yes Yes
Videos 5 minutes 2m 20s*
Verification Yes No*
Delete Posts Yes Yes
Edit Posts No No*
Direct Messaging No Yes
Trending Stories No Yes
Hashtags No Yes
Limits how many posts users can read per day No Yes

KoverStroy Feedback on Instagram threads

As Threads is in its initial phase we can expect many more functionality in future release like other Meta services.  For now lets try this new service and stay connected through Threads.

Please read another article about Instagram Threads


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