Russia-Ukraine war details after 660 days



RussiaUkraine war started on 24 Feb 2022 and not taking a stop even after 596 days. World is facing challenges because of this war however there are some countries who are sitting silently and enjoying the war. This was have created an big market for weapon development. Some countries are focusing on development of weapons and selling them just showing the example of Ukraine-Russia war.

I think the time has come when all the people around the globe need to come together to stop this war. Since 596 every day some people are dying. We need to think about the humanity.

Let discuss some key details from Russia-Ukraine war so far

Top 10 things impacted by Ukraine – Russia war

  1. Economy : Because of this war , around 100 million people might be pushed in to extreme poverty. The international Monetary Fund has already given notification that this war could have “severe impact” on Global economy.

    Economy-Impact due to war

  2. Human Migration : Because of the war a lot of people have left their homes and moved in other parts of country. This is majorly happened in Ukraine. As per one of estimation around 10 million people have been displaced in Ukraine and more than 3 million people moved to the neighbouring country.


  3. Security: The security concern has been raised for the Europe . The united states have deployed troops in Poland and Romania. because of this war all the European countries again need to think about their security.


  4. Politics : In all the European countries and other countries who have fear of war their have significant impact on politics. The president of France Emmanuel Macron got a lot of popularity , because of his tough decision on Russia. In Germany the war have shifted to the public opinion where they have increased their budget for defense.


  5. Energy : Russia is big supplier of energy like oil , gas. All the countries who purchase from Russia have impact. Also there is high rates of energy because of impact in supply chain.

    Energy Impact

  6. Food : Ukraine is the major supplier of wheat which got impacted. All the countries who purchase wheat from Ukraine have been impacted and can see high rates of food item which made of wheat.


  7. Cyberattacks: Because of this war , there are high rate in cyberattacks. Many times Russia have been caught for cyberattacks on Ukraine. Where US helped Ukraine from these cyber attacks. There are concerns that these cyber attacks can spread on other countries also.


  8. Incorrect Information: Both the countries have been found for false information. because of the false information world is not able to believe on true information. This led to the misinformation which is causing a lot of conflict.
  9. Europe in Future: This war have put all the European countries in rethinking for their security and investment on defense. The question have been raised on the future on Europe , NATO and WEST.
  10. Environment Change: Everyone knows that Russia is major producer of greenhouse gas, this war is have negative impact on reducing the emission. Also the pollution produced by the attacks impacting the world.



I wish this war come to an end as soon as possible. With no more loss of human life.

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